İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 8, Sayı 58  Haziran 2019  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)

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In fact, it is an very old tradition to consider suffering as a useful status for an artist just as describing artist as a man in pain. Some portrayals, which is put forward by artists or thought it would be fit for artists by orhers, causes this tradition. It has some realist aspects, no doubt, but one can’t deny that ıt sometimes comes about off some inflated anecdotes, too. Is it a matter to consider the pain both as a topic and as inspiration for artwork? No. Insomuch that recent scientific researchs have showed the pain is about aesthetic creativity, even closely. However we could be witness to some instances in which case the relations might been interpreted, wrongly. Besides, making it a saga is an other matter. It is not easy to solve if the case of being sincere with pain comes from genesis of artist or is nothing short of an aesthetic form issue, but today there is an other model who consider suffering version of artist is an intention to able to make a saga. These take to the stage with a new and unlike artist version, today.
Keywords: tenet, myth, inspiration, bohemian, spirit