İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 6, Sayı 36  Güz I 2017  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)

NO Makale Adı

With the establishment of printmaking workshops in America in the 1950s, production became widespread by means of printing techniques, and printmaking became one of the narrative languages of Minimalist artists known mostly by sculptures. Minimalist sculptor Richard Serra (1939) met with printmaking techniques at the Gemini G.E.L. print shop. Serra produced his printmakings with traditional techniques such as lithography, silk screen and engraving. The artist has pushed the boundaries of printmaking techniques with an experimental approach and developed a language of his own. Using intense black ink, Serra created layered and textured surfaces. The atmosphere created by color and touch, has formed a physical and psychologically effective structure in the artist's printmaking. Serra's printmakings reminded her spiral forms and monumentalities of metal sculptures. In this article; the printmakings of the American sculptor Richard Serra, one of the leading artists of Minimalism, was taken up. The technical approach and point of view of artist's printmaking have been tried to be described by using qualitative research methods of observable and unique patterns of work production in different disciplines. Printed and electronic sources were scanned on the subject, artifacts of the artist from museums and private collections were searched, discussions about the artist were investigated, and art criticism and comments of the authors were examined. Printmaking production and technical analysis of a sculpture artist has been investigated.

Keywords: Printmaking, Minimalism, Paintstick, Lithography, Serigraphy, Intaglio.