İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 8, Sayı 60  Ağustos 2019  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)
Necmettin YAĞCI

NO Makale Adı

In 1883, Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi, which provides art education in the Western sense, was opened. İhsan Özsoy, İsa Behzat, Mahir Tomruk and Nijad Sirel, who completed their education in this institution before the Republic, are the names that have passed to the history of art since they gave their original and mature sculpture works during the Republican period and they were responsible for raising the sculpture artists who will carry Turkish Sculpture Art to future generations. In the early post-Republic period, the foundations of contemporary sculpture education were laid thanks to art educators and artists sent abroad to provide modern and contemporary art education. Fine Arts Academy and Gazi Institute of Education, Painting Teaching Department, with the contributions of competent art educators in the field of new artists, took part in the Turkish sculpture art. In the 20th century, with the development of the industry, the “form” in the Plastic Arts undergoes change. Naturalist and Realistic forms are replaced by deformation-weighted or geometric abstracted forms. This concept settled albeit belatedly, to Turkey, was developed in a very short period of time by the Artist and Arts Educator.In the 1950s, the artists, who instractor in the Academy, did not leave the “reality” they saw in nature with the effect of the education they gave, but they gave a sculpture education in which modern formal searches and social influences in the west were at the forefront.In this sense of abstraction, which does not turn its back on the external reality of the object, some artists have turned to formal analyzes by deformation and in others by breaking the forms. In this period, abstraction became the main tendency of artistic production in Turkish Sculpture art. These objects, which are interpreted by moving away from a realistic understanding while making abstraction in formatting about nature, also carry traces from nature. There is no way that this study, which has a different form than the natural form, can be found in nature.

Keywords: Sculpture art, Art education, Form, Abstraction